Honey Bee

By Maciej A. Czyzewski (Own work) GFDL or CC BY-SA 4.0-3.0-2.5-2.0-1.0 via Wikimedia Commons

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Honey bee get their common name from the sweet yellowish to brownish fluid they make from the nectar of flowers and use as food. Honey bees not only provide honey and wax but as pollinators are of far greater importance. They are also responsible for a large share of insect stings although many stings blames on bees are actually done by yellowjackets. Honey bees are worldwide in distribution.

Adult workers body length about 1/2"-5/8" (11-15 mm). Color usually orangish brown to sometimes black with body mostly covered with branched pale hairs most dense on thorax. Eyes hairy. First segment of hind tarsus enlarged.

Honey bees are not aggressive and do not search for something to attack. Instead they are defensive and will attack only whatever seems to threaten the colony.

Swarms first move to a temporary site such as a tree branch. The swarm will usually remain here for about 24-48 hours until permanent quarters are located and then moves on. Permanent quarters may consist of a bee hive hollow tree hollow wall attic etc. typically some place which is sheltered from the weather.

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