Experience | In business over 80 years...over 300 years of combined experience. |
Guarantee | Our Motto is “No Bugs, Guaranteed.” No charge for call-backs for named pests within the warranty period. Extended warranties available. |
Hiring | Employee backgrounds checks. Drug screening. Social Security background checks. Complete physical. |
Training | Initial 8-Week Training with Supervisors, on the job & classroom. Ongoing training every 4 weeks. |
Specifications | A written specification with every corrective recommendation. |
Insurance | 1 million/3 million dollars of Liability, Auto and Workman’s Compensation Insurance...all to protect YOU. |
Safety | Ongoing, documented safety training |
Supervision | Every Technician is directly supervised & every account is inspected for quality assurance |
Quality | Awarded QualityPro status by the National Pest Management Association, |
Full time/Full Service | Our only business is the protection of your health, property and environment. |
Technical Support | Reliable employs a full-time certified Entomologist, with more than 40 years’ experience. |
Customer Service | Full-time professionals who answer the phone in person and quickly help you find a solution to what is “bugging” you. Help is always just a free phone call or email away |
Customer recognition | Awarded the People’s Choice Award for more than 15 years. |
Local Ownership-Representation | We are not part of a franchise or dependent on other operations for our existence. We are in the business of Pest Solutions. Our owners and representatives live and work in your community. |
Regional-National Coverage | We operate from Service Centers in Missouri, Iowa, and Illinois. We are part of the Food Protection Alliance, a select group of companies with national coverage through local companies. |
Price | Our prices include all materials and labor needed to solve your pest problem. You |
Web Access | Reliable operates a web portal complete with company information, contact information and material safety information including labels and SDS. |
Personal Security-Peace of Mind | All our Technicians are uniformed and carry photo ID’s. All our vehicles are clearly identified and easily recognizable. |
Scheduling | When you want it...we schedule in advance and promise to be there. |