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Introduction: Centipedes are sometimes called hundred-leggers because of their many pairs of legs. Even though centipedes are predaceous and therefore beneficial most customers consider them a nuisance pest. Some species can inflict a painful bite but it is not lethal. They are widely distributed throughout most of the United States and the world.
Recognition: Adults about 1/8"-6" (4-152 mm) long elongate flattened and wormlike. Color usually yellowish to dark brown sometimes with darker stripes or markings.
Habits: Centipedes are typically found in areas of high moisture such as loose bark in rotting logs under stones trash piles of leaves and grass clippings flower bed mulch etc. where their typical prey is found. Most centipedes are nocturnal or active at night.
Tagged: alot of legs, brown, crawling, gray, long, skinny, straight antenna, stripes