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Introduction: Mosquitoes are well known by most people because of their pesky biting habit. Of greater concern they are very important as vectors of numerous human diseases such as malaria yellow fever filariasis dengue and encephalitis. Mosquitoes are distributed throughout the world including the United States.

Recognition: Adults about 1/8"-3/8" (3-9mm) long body and legs usually covered with scales. Color mostly gray to dark some marked with white silver green or iridescent blue scales.

Habits: Mosquitoes have adapted to almost every kind of aquatic situation such as permanent ponds and marshes temporary flood waters or woodland pools drainage ditches and water contained in tree holes leaves of plants or artificial containers. The exceptions are flowing streams and the open waters of large streams rivers lakes seas and oceans. The number of generations per year ranges from 1 where the eggs require cold before hatching (e.g. some Anopheles) to many in warm climates where most breed continuously.

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