Oriental Cockroach
We treat homes and businesses for this pest! Reach out to learn how we can help or to request a free quote.
Introduction: Contrary to its common name the oriental cockroach is thought to be of North African origin. It is also commonly called a black beetle or waterbug or shad roach. This species has worldwide distribution.
Recognition: Adult males about 1" (25mm) long whereas females about 1" (32mm) long. Color usually shiny black but may vary to dark reddish brown. Males wings cover about 75 of abdomen leaving 3 to 5 abdominal segments exposed. Female with much reduced wings which resemble nymphal wing pads but have veins. Adults do not fly.
Habit: In many areas the oriental cockroach survives quite well outdoors and spends considerable time there. It is typically found under debris stones and leaf litter but also in wall and porch voids. It has been observed to survive outdoors during 13 weeks of almost continuous freezing weather.
Tagged: 6 legs, black, shiny, straight antenna, Wings