Prevent Springtime Pests

springtime pests

Warm sunshine, blooming flowers, and the scent of fresh green grass are just around the corner. Unfortunately, as spring approaches, that means that pest problems will be on the rise. We suggest you follow these tips to prevent springtime pests from putting a hamper on the new season.

8 Tips to Prevent Springtime Pests

1. Know Your Pests

As the ice and freezing chills fade, pests will become active once again. Termites swarm, rats mate, bees pollinate, and mosquitos take advantage of the excess water lying around. Your job is to understand what pests are most commonly found in your area and the steps you need to take to stop them. In addition, now is a good time to inform your children, if you have them, about pests. You should teach them which pests to stay away from and what they should do if they find a pest in the house. Teaching your children about the danger of wasps or venomous spiders is critical to keep them safe.

2. Complete a House Inspection

Everyone tends to hunker down during the cold winter months. Who can blame them? No one wants to be doing renovations in the snow! However, that also means that some home failures may have gone unnoticed. Once the weather warms up, you will want to complete an interior and exterior home inspection to identify problem areas, such as a new hole leading into the house or a failing gutter system. Once you have identified your problems, you will be able to patch them up before pests can take advantage of them.

3. Take on Yard Maintenance

With spring comes yard maintenance to ensure that everything is running in peak shape. A few chores you should add to the to-do list include:

  • Power wash surfaces
  • Clean out gutters
  • Trim bushes and trees
  • Remove debris
  • Install moisture barriers
  • Direct water away from the house

4. Attack Spring Cleaning

Now that you have taken care of the outside of the house, it is time to tackle the interior! Some of the first items you should take on would be inspecting the attic and basement, ventilating crawl spaces, replacing weather stripping, repairing loose mortar, and fixing window or door screens.

5. Practice Good Habits

Lastly, revitalizing good habits or forming new ones is an excellent way to start the spring season. Some of these habits should include:

  • Keeping food stored tightly
  • Regularly taking out the trash, recycling, and compost
  • Cleaning the floors and countertops consistently
  • Read more HERE

Call Reliable Pest

Reliable Pest is your #1 choice for pest solutions. We care about you, your family, your pets, and your home, which is why we offer a variety of solutions to tackle any pest problem that affects you. Give us a call today to discuss your concerns and start your journey to a pest-free life!

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